Windows Compilation Errors Fixed

Created by: jgmdev
Date: 04/25/2012 @ 7:04:55 am
Views: 859

Finally fixed all windows compilation errors, now the process goes as smooth as it should.I included a README_MSW for some small changes needed in order to correctly compile since the typedef mode_t is defined in both wxWidgets and PHP. Also wxPostScriptDC is not enabled by default on wxMSW. Almost forgot this patch is also needed I submitted it after having an error with the wxNotificationMessage class.

So as I said the code compiles fine the only problem now is the linking process resulting in unreferenced symbols, it happened to me before, using visual studio 2010 express and again I'm using it. IIRC using an older version worked well but I'm not sure, maybe I modified the config.w32 in the wrong way, but thats an adventure for another day.

At least now the code is compiling on Windows so until the next one
Finally a new release is more near ;)
